Thursday, November 10, 2011


Setelah sekian lama aku menyepi
Setelah sekian lama aku tidak meng'update' blog aku ni
la ni aku cuba meng'update' blog aku ni seikhlas hati aku

Renung-Renungkan Dan Selamat Beramal

Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Do the Breast Stroke

Ni video swimming Breast Stroke untuk memudahkan kamu-kamu nak belajar swimming yang betul termasuk la aku sendiri gak ni...


Friday, May 20, 2011

How To Swim Breaststroke

1) Body Position

The body position for breaststroke should be inclined slightly downwards from the head to the feet.

The body should be as flat and streamlined as possible with an inclination from the head to the feet so that the leg kick recovery takes place under the water.

Head movement should be kept to a minimum and the shoulders should remain level throughout the stroke.

The main aim should be good streamlining, however the underwater recovery movements of the arms and legs together with the lifting of the head to breathe, all compromise the overall body position. In order to reduce resistance created by these movements, as the propulsive phase of an arm pull or leg kick takes place, the opposite end of the body remains still and streamlined.

breaststroke body position

2) Leg Kick Technique

During breaststroke it is important for a swimmer or swimming teacher to recognise the difference between the wedge kick and the whip kick. The leg action provides the largest amount of propulsion in the stroke and swimmers will favour a wedge kick or a whip kick depending on which comes most naturally. 

breaststroke leg kick

For a whip kick, the legs kick in a whip-like action with the knees remaining close together. For a wedge kick the legs kick in a wider, more deliberate circular path.

The leg kick as a whole should be a simultaneous and flowing action, providing the majority of the propulsion. Knees bend as the heels are drawn up towards the seat and toes are turned out ready for the heels and soles of the feet to drive the water backwards. The legs sweep outwards and downwards in a flowing circular path, accelerating as they kick and return together and straight, providing a streamlined position.

breaststroke leg kick

3) Arm Technique

The amount of propulsion generated from breaststroke arm techniques has developed over the years as the stroke has changed to become more competitive.
The arm action overall provides the smallest propulsive phase of the four competitive strokes.
breaststroke arm technique


Arm action begins with the arms fully extended out in front, fingers and hands together. Hands pitch outwards and downwards to an angle of about 45 degrees at the start of the catch phase. Arms pull outwards and downwards until they are approximately shoulder width apart. Elbows begin to bend and shoulders roll inwards at the end of the catch phase.

Propulsive phase
Arms sweep downwards and inwards and the hands pull to their deepest point. Elbows bend to 90 degrees and remain high. At the end of the down sweep, the hands sweep inwards and slightly upwards. Elbows tuck into the sides as the hands are pulled inwards towards the chest and the chin.

Hands recover by stretching forwards in a streamlined position. Hands recover under, on or over the water surface, depending on the style of stroke to be taught.

4) Breathing Technique

Breaststroke action gives a natural body lift which gives the ideal breathing point with each stroke.

Inhalation takes place at the end of the insweep as the body allows the head to lift clear of the water. The head should be lifted enough for the mouth to clear the surface and inhale, but not excessively so as to keep the frontal resistance created by this movement to a minimum.

breaststroke breathing

Explosive or trickle breathing can be utilised.
Head returns to the water to exhale as the arms stretch forward to begin their recovery phase.

Some swimmers perform the stroke with the head raised throughout to keep the mouth and nose clear of the water at all times. This simplifies the breathing.

5) Timing & Coordination

The coordination of breaststroke propulsive phases should be a continuous alternating action, where one propulsive phase takes over as one ends.
Breast stroke timing and coordination can be summed up with the following sequence: pull, breathe, kick, glide.

breaststroke timing

A streamlined body position at the end of the timing sequence is essential to capitalise on the propulsive phases of the stroke. The timing can be considered in another way: when the arms are pulling in their propulsive phase, the legs are streamlined and when the legs are kicking in propulsion, the arms are streamlined.

Full body extension is essential before the start of each stroke cycle.

breaststroke timing

Competitive variations in stroke timing can be found by decreasing or even eliminating the glide and using the arm and leg actions in an almost continuous stroke to give more propulsion.


Ramai orang tak tahu, terlalu banyak FAEDAH-FAEDAH yang mereka akan dapat dengan berenang saya tak dapat senaraikan kesemuanya kerana memang terlalu banyak.. Berenang ialah satu senaman yang amat baik kerana badan disokong oleh air. Oleh itu, tiada tekanan yang kuat pada sendi-sendi tulang seperti melakukan senaman di darat. Maklumlah ketumpatan badan manusia lebih kurang sama saja dengan ketumpatan air..

Anda juga akan berasakan tubuh badan lebih segar dan rasa ringan, kerana hampir seluruh otot badan digunakan ketika berenang disamping membentuk postur badan yang betul. Bukan sahaja lebih berstamina tinggi, malah membentuk badan yang menarik.

Berenang ialah satu sukan yang amat baik untuk diamalkan..mengurangkan tahap stres dan menambah tenaga…maksud saya lebih cergas dan cerdas. Ia juga boleh mengurangkan pelbagai risiko penyakit seperti darah tinggi dan juga membuatkan jantung lebih sihat.

Berenang juga boleh membuatkan seseorang lebih berani dan tidak panik dalam situasi kecemasan.

Nah, tambah satu lagi kemahiran di dalam hidup anda selain daripada kemahiran seperti memandu kereta, menjala ikan, komunikasi, sukan dan permainan, membaiki, dan bermacam-macam lagi.



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kalu korang ada masalah, apa yang korg buat? Adakah korg telan dan bersendirian je masalah korg tu? Atau korg cerita masalah tu pada teman yg percaya? Atau korg buat sesuatu yg lain daripada yg lain? Bersukan? Berjalan-jalan? Mengasingkan diri?

Ntah la....
Kadang2 aku simpan dlm hati je masalah aku tu bila aku tau ianya bersifat peribadi. Mgkn orang lain melihat aku tersenyum dan gelak seperti hidup aku sentiasa happy tp dalam hati siapa yg tahu. Mgkn aku bkn jenis yg menunjukan kesedihan pada org lain. Mgkn kdg2 aku dijadikan tmpt utk org lain meluahkan perasaan, meluahkan kesedihan, meluahkan kesengsaraan tp aku.....aku jarang berkongsi masalah aku pada org lain....aku nggak bisa...

Adakah mgkn aku mmg seorg yg suka memendam perassan. Memang itu AKU. Lepas tu aku buat sesuatu yang bleh melegakan hati. Sblm2 ni aku buat sumthing kt kereta aku i.e tukar rim ke. Senang cite tukar barang2 kereta la. Pada kereta aku tu je la tmpt aku meluahkan perasaan aku.

Kadang2 bila aku ada masalah, aku gi swim kt Kompleks Renang Pandamaran tu. Sorg2 pun jadi la. Org kata kalu tgh marah/geram or ada masalah, gi amek wudhu then solat. Mmg aku buat tp aku extend skit, aku terjun dalam pool yg byk air tu...

Tapi kdg2 aku teringin nk pergi ke tempat2 yang tenang, aman dan jauh dari kesibukan kota. Pantai ke tasik ke kawasan pedalaman ke? Tak kisah la janji suatu kawasan yang dapat aku tenangkan fikiran aku yg kusut ni. Tapi aku tak bisa. Aku masih berfikiran waras. Mgkn bukan sekarang. Mgkn esok. Mgkn lusa. Mgkn tulat.

Nokhtah Cinta - Hafiz

Ternyata semua bicaraku
Tersimpan di dalam hatiku
Ternyata semua soalanku
Tak pernah kau fikir di fikiran

Ternyata kau masih
Mencari kepastian dalam cinta
Dan disini masih
Menanti jawapannya

Tuhan tolong nyatakanlah
Padanya tentang cinta
Adakah masih diriku di perlukan

Tuhan tunjukkan padanya
Tentang apa yang ku fikirkan
Adakah cinta ini
Perlu untuk dirinya

Berbicara tentang cinta kita
Masih tiada noktah penghujungnya
Berbicara tentang perasaan
Simpan saja semua itu

Mengapa kau masih
Mencari kepastian dalam cinta
Dan disini masih
Menanti jawapannya

Thursday, April 21, 2011

: : Home Sweet Home : :

Ni la teratak kecil aku. Masih belum bleh nak duduk lagi sbb blum dpt CF.
Difahamkan dulu bleh masuk rumah ni lepas Jun 2011 tapi tak tau la mcm mana. Harap2 bleh masuk dah la.
Tapi bagus gak kalu bleh masuk lepas Jun 2011 sbb lepas kawen je bleh terus duk umah baru.

Difahamkan juga no umah aku  No. 20 tapi aku tak tau yg mana satu la. Aku amek gmbr ni sbb ada No. 20 kt depan umah tu...Aku anggap tu umah aku la...hahaha...

Btul ke ni umah aku?...

Umah ni takde la besar mana pun. Kecik je. Tapi bleh la buat starting. Almaklum la setimpal la dgn rege nye.
Tak mampu lak nk beli besar2 sbb tak mampu lak nnt nk tampung kos ansuran bulanan.
Apa yang ada tu terima je la...AMIN...

Monday, March 21, 2011

: : Swimming Mode : :

Untuk pengetahuan rerakan sekalian, sekarang ni aku ada hobby baru.

: : SWIMMING : : sume sbb ada sorg rakan seofis aku yang ajak. Lokasi swimming pool tu pun tak jauh dari umah aku gak. Kompleks Sukan Pandamaran. Kompleks tu pun tempat aku swim gak masa kecik2 dulu. Cuma bila dh meningkat belia ni dh jarang gi dah. Malu nk pakai suar kecik yg ketat (swimming trunk) tu. Huhuhu.

Dulu mana nak tau ada suar yg pnjg... Igt sume kecik2 je so lupakan je la hobby nk swim ni. La ni keinginan nk swim ni timbul blk dah. Baek punyer...

Aku siap dh beli baju swim dgn goggle baru kt Jusco Bukit Raja. Sanggup tu gi beli baru...Nice..

Aku dah start swim blk dh ni Khamis lepas.
Penat giler. Lenguh kaki tangan aku.
Tp apa2pun aku puashati. Sgt puashati.
Lepas2 ni aku akan continue hobby baru aku.

Renung2kan Dan Selamat Beramal

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bengkel Dan Lawatan Di Sabah

Last week, aku bersama-sama rombongan yang diketuai oleh Puan Maznee pergi bercuti ke Sabah. Actually on paper bukan la bercuti sebab ada lawatan ke Solar Hybrid Pakej 2. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Matupang adalah salah satu sekolah dlm pakej nie. Ada bengkel KKS juga diadakan bagi kontraktor-kontraktor dan pegawai-pegawai yang berkaitan untuk projek tersebut.

Butiran Terperinci Bengkel Dan Lawatan Ke Sabah

1.05pm - 3.40pm
Perjalanan ke KK dan check-in di 
 Imperial Hotel

Aktiviti Bebas

7.30am - 8.30am

8.30am - 10.30am
Perasmian Bengkel KKS

10.30am - 12.00pm
Bengkel KKS

12.00pm - 2.00pm
Solat & Lunch

2.00pm - 4.30pm
Bengkel KKS

4.30pm - 6.30pm
Aktiviti Bebas

6.30pm - 8.30pm
Solat & Dinner

8.30pm --->
Aktiviti Bebas

7.30am - 8.30am

8.30am - 11.00am
Bertolak Ke Ranau

11.00am - 12.30pm
Makan, solat & check-in di Celyn Resort, Kundasang

12.30pm - 1.30pm
Bertolak ke SMK Matupang

1.30pm - 3.00pm
Lawatan tapak SMK Matupang

3.00pm - 6.00pm
Ke Kg Luanti (Spa Fish), Ladang Sabah Tea & National Park

6.00pm - 7.30pm
Bertolak balik ke Celyn Resort

7.30pm --->
Dinner & Aktiviti Bebas

7.30am - 8.30am

8.30am - 11.00am
Bertolak ke KK

11.00am - 12.30pm
Lawatan ke UMS & 1 Borneo

12.30pm - 2.00pm
Lunch & solat

2.00pm - 2.30pm

4.10pm - 6.32pm
Bergerak balik ke KLIA

Tuesday, January 18, 2011